Thursday 1 November 2012

The Second Chance

In life , we experience a lot of failed attempts..lot of times we are sure of a win or success but it eludes us  hence plunging us into despair and agony.. Sometimes, we do not give our best shot and realize its too late to repair the damage.. Then failure strikes us upfront leaving us beleaguered with constant thoughts of remorse and regret.. But even after this, life has a second chance for you.. but when you start for the second chance , this time success will take more time to come into your clutches than it would have taken in the first place if you had given your best shot earlier.. And it takes a lot more time and efforts just to teach us a lesson..

"When we have a broken relationship for the first time, we refrain ourselves from entering into second one.. There is abstinence from giving ourselves a second chance ".... this on is out of context so we can skip it..!!!

So how many of us have a introspection and think what we want to do in life.. How many of us ponder about what we like, we can do as a living .. Answer is-- Majority of people... How many of think about choosing a career option which  they have done it for free otherwise as they love doing it ...How many people take there interests to an ardent level and hence tasting blood..Answer-- handful of people..
Because either people are scared of giving themselves a 2nd chance for a new start or in the first place they
do not follow there interests.. Even if its not about following your interests , it comes down to the fact what gives you satisfaction .. A rhapsodic plus contended feeling should prevail when you are working professionally. Your work should make you feel proud and happy.. But how does this is linked to thought  " the second chance "...well somewhat, it is.. life gives you an another chance to make a decision whether to go for the chance or not.. We are scared of taking another path of success i.e following our interests and mastering them.. we tend to stick to prescribed path i.e becoming an engineer, doctor, law graduate etc.. But there are other opportunities , other un- trodden paths which can lead to success and satisfaction.. Success is about feeling exhilarated and contended about the work we do.. for that, we have to try and reach for 2nd chance or try to grasp in the first go... But most importantly ,Life, gives ,you, a , 2nd, chance, Always....,........

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