Thursday 18 July 2013

Beware.. Growing up is a trap.!!!!

We instantly get attracted to a new born baby. Our eyes gets glued to twinkling eyes , naught activities, cute gestures and what not. At times, even the wailing seems cute. We associate a child with innocence, truthfulness and deprived of any malignant feeling inside.

As we grow up, we tend to forget our innocence. We tend to forget people and occasions which give us happiness as we are preoccupied with other priorities of life. We tend to forget our best friends at times because of lack of time. Communication gap leads to a place from where returning back seems disdainful.
All this is because we do not communicate with people. Saying sorry seems a difficult task. Job pressure, relationship pressure takes a toll on everything around us. We do no do things we love. We forget them. Amidst all this , we should forget our friends and people who supported in the bad times. It is never wrong to say sorry if it bring backs your loved ones. It is never late to talk to an old friend. It is never late to do things we love.

Every Human being has power to something extra ordinary in his life. We just need to realize, Unleash and conquer. And when success strikes you, make sure you have al your beloved ones with you to enjoy that success and joy..

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