Sunday 21 April 2013

Innocence Lost, Insanity Gained...

This post touches a grave issue which has been plaguing our society from a long time and is now rampant even more. The government, police ,administration are just not handling the issue rigidly.

The issue is 'rape'. I do not tend to make indecent comments or remarks .It is a post just to relieve myself from the recent remorseful acts which all witnessed. 

The recent case of a rape of 5 year old girl.. I really cant even think of such barbaric act. How can people stoop such low?? How can it even occur in their minds to do such insensitive and obnoxious acts.!!! What accused did was one part and how our police handled was another part. Police squandered some time in desensitizing the agitation caused after this time. But why even an iota of delay in the proceedings.?? The guy who raped a 5 year girl child , tried to strangulate her , inserted foreign objects inside her private parts so that accused cannot be ascertained during the medical investigation was roaming free for 2 days. why even for 2 days, police did not try to nab him.?? Is there conscience dead? Are they morally dead.. Shame on administration and such barbarians. I am scared to live in such society. We all have sisters, mother, friends for whom we care. Such barbaric acts will make their lives miserable. Every time they will be in shadow of such such threats. Why aren't the rape laws more stricter?

Similar was the case of  16th Dec. Difference was, the girl died.. :(. The trial will take time, but the bloody laws will not be changed .. :x :x. Every Indian citizen is agitated right now. Every body wants justice and stricter laws. Don't know when we will be able to breathe in safer Delhi. :'( :'(

Friday 12 April 2013

Memories , Memento, Memorandum , Memorabilia ,Memorable ,Memorial

People start making memories as soon as they are born (only if they can remember both agony and joy of your parents). Memories are made life long.. Friends, parents, pets, objects, anything can contribute to it. Major part of primary school and teenage is spent accumulating memories from friends and parents, When you start knowing about nuances of life, discussing it with your parents, silly pranks and what not,, That is the  starting of memories mixed with innocence, care and tenderness.. (well some kids are quite oblivion to such things.. so, let us move further). As our school ends, people get emotional, drown themselves in the pool of sorrows and present each others with a memento known as "scribbling day" .. On this day, friends meticulously jot down all the memories on your shirt or t-shirt which they fondly remember..

As we graduate from college , we are teary eyes..Bidding farewell to friends and hoping to see each other every weekend after having an arduous week in office. Giving each other "memorandums" , emotional notes and poems because they know they will be soon drowned in pool of "memorandums" by their bosses so only these notes and memorandums will keep the friends close. Then during office hours, between those lovely memorandums , those lovely HRs and secretaries ( a bit of fantasy element.. haha.. :D) , we build memories.. (Fantasies or/and memories, different people, different take :D) .
 We we get married and then we get memorandum from our spouse to get the errands from nearby store.. Nobody will be interested in this so we can skip this part.. :p :p

Someday, maybe going through the attic, old boxes, we find pictures, clothes, etc and that is our  "Memorabilia moment" . We have a faint smile at that time, (chances are ripe that we would have got scolded when it got misplaced in the first place). But then we go on memory lane and remember all the good memories. We try to share those pictures with friends. I found the class photograph of my nursery class and shared it with my friends. Everybody was bemused and happy to see it. I found  class picture of class 12th and again i shared it. That pic got over 60 likes  and more than 300 comments.!!  Now there was some rib tickling comments on that. kick ass..!!.:D

Sitting on a rocking chair, suddenly you stop rocking  and  then you are smiling while sipping tea or coffee, (I know.!! all these years, it was booze that was making you smile but not anymore.!!).. Then you think how memorable your life;s journey has been. And that time ,you should be proud about your life.Head should be held high beaming with joy..

Seems too much like a movie?? Because everybody's life is not like this. ??True..But everybody's life can be 'made' into a movie.!! It is just that the director should be able to craft it in a splendid way..!! Whether life is joyful or sorrowful, it should be  like a good movie and with that it means in that limited time, your life should evolve in a magnificent way.. and in the end , people should be smiling at your memorial talking lengths about your grandiose life.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Meaningful friendships but without 'meanings'...

Some friendships are built during awkward situations and at awkward places. Maybe because they are destined too.. (If you do not believe in destiny, then just believe they met for a purpose). I am an extrovert person.. I love meeting  people with new ideologies, different persona and perspective. And i do make friends for a long period of time. (I lose few of them after a long period time too). My memory suddenly flashes back and i remember that i made a lot of friends when 3 years old. I was in nursery and a naught kid.
I fondly remember making friends in a summer vacation camp sort of  thing in National Science Center at the age of 7 . I had a friend named "Harit Singh" . I never met him after that camp got over as there were no mobile phones at that time..Interesting part is, i met him when we were playing hide and seek in a maze of mirrors . And we bumped into each other, shook hands and went to the canteen to eat something..We used to understand each other without much usage of words ( surprisingly, i used to be a talkative and blabber mouth kid at that time).

I made friends in school.  A lot of them . Some parted ways, majority did not. Friends and friendships has evolved over a period of time. But sometimes, you tend to get censorious about your friends, their behavior and demeanor . And hence, for sometime you tend to stay away from them. You do miss them but you need a space where you can comfort yourselves without thinking of the fact that people might judge you. Your best friends do not judge you.. They kick your butts and support through thick and thin in your decision.

But sometimes, you find solace in a friend whom you just have met. You confide in them as you have ascertained the fact that they wont judge you. and even if they tell that conversation to somebody, it will hardly affect your life or theirs.

You find solace in such serendipity. It feels good because you  vent out things to newly formed friend or a random person. Sometimes your best friends also get tired of kicking your butts. Then you need to find somebody who can shake his/her butts along with yours and say aloud- " hakkkuuunaaahhhh mattaattaaaahhhh".. And whooossshhh.. Bye bye stress and tension.. Phewww....

These friendships may not remain for a long time in your life. But they do leave a lasting imprint.

P.S- Poker table can be a good place to find such people.. :D..

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Addicted..But with a 'healthy' heart...

People get addicted to all sorts of things.. Cigarettes , alcohol, love .. But you often do not see people getting addicted to being a "philanthropist".. Confused??? How many people have innate habit of lending help to somebody in need , no matter what the consequences are.. Would you call this an addiction, habit or obsession??

Few benevolent souls have this 'addiction' of helping others, even they are not asking for help.. They go all the way to help them. Sometimes, it is not required.. Sometimes, it aggravates the situation of others. Sometimes, it is a personal issue which can not be disclosed but still people poke their nose. They just want to help without having any bad intention.!! When do not acknowledge their intentions or hurl back abuses for their interference tend to get disheartened or get 'anti social'. They do not understand a simple fact that you cannot help everybody. Some people like to have their own personal space, their share of pain , their own mind set to tackle the situation .. And life is a best teacher if you try to learn and analyze the lessons
!!! Pain and sorrow are part of life and everybody gets a share of it in their lives.

People need to accept that they cannot relieve everybody from their miseries.Their 'addiction' can be a nuisance to somebody. sometimes, you have to take a step back even if how much your heart is aching to extend that helping hand again and again. You need to curb the desire and just let go. Everybody learns from pain and miseries. If somebody does not, sigh....