Tuesday 9 April 2013

Addicted..But with a 'healthy' heart...

People get addicted to all sorts of things.. Cigarettes , alcohol, love .. But you often do not see people getting addicted to being a "philanthropist".. Confused??? How many people have innate habit of lending help to somebody in need , no matter what the consequences are.. Would you call this an addiction, habit or obsession??

Few benevolent souls have this 'addiction' of helping others, even they are not asking for help.. They go all the way to help them. Sometimes, it is not required.. Sometimes, it aggravates the situation of others. Sometimes, it is a personal issue which can not be disclosed but still people poke their nose. They just want to help without having any bad intention.!! When do not acknowledge their intentions or hurl back abuses for their interference tend to get disheartened or get 'anti social'. They do not understand a simple fact that you cannot help everybody. Some people like to have their own personal space, their share of pain , their own mind set to tackle the situation .. And life is a best teacher if you try to learn and analyze the lessons
!!! Pain and sorrow are part of life and everybody gets a share of it in their lives.

People need to accept that they cannot relieve everybody from their miseries.Their 'addiction' can be a nuisance to somebody. sometimes, you have to take a step back even if how much your heart is aching to extend that helping hand again and again. You need to curb the desire and just let go. Everybody learns from pain and miseries. If somebody does not, sigh....

1 comment:

  1. An interesting idea and a benevolent one too. Let people be, they have their own life to live, mistakes to make. Let them!
